Ben, incredibly busy as he was, owed much of his success, both professional and social, to meticulous attention to human details.
He was an incredibly busy man, and everything would have to be completely ready for a speedy production.
She's a client of a bank that has only two tellers, unless it's incredibly busy.
The streets have been incredibly busy with people rushing about buying supplies.
It's bad, because I've been incredibly busy, and I haven't had much time to think.
The last year has been incredibly busy for us both, and I could not have done any of it without you.
I know we're both incredibly busy, with me trying to keep things running smoothly down here and you playing with your test tubes.
The hospital was cold and white and incredibly busy.
And in this respect, I would like to say that our Committee was not able to complete its work due to an incredibly busy timetable.
Air traffic over the city of Los Angeles is said to be incredibly busy.