At the same time, his estate is incredibly inefficient; the cut wheat rots on the ground and any potential income is lost.
Kroeger claims, "This would result in an incredibly inefficient use of land resources."
"Japan has world class factories in many industries, but getting things to and out of the factory is incredibly inefficient."
The first stage of life (or proto-life) can be incredibly slow, and incredibly inefficient.
A Democratic Congressional official who also provided an account of the findings described "an incredibly inefficient visa system."
That's incredibly inefficient - 94 percent of the energy from the sun goes to waste.
Web clients are incredibly inefficient and slow way to solve the problem.
It's a clever idea, sure, but incredibly inefficient.
Even solar power, a limitless green energy source, is incredibly inefficient.
I myself have long felt that God (1) is a poor engineer and (2) has an incredibly inefficient spare parts system.