But in that tunnel, you were in an incredibly stressful situation, under unendurable pressures.
A second defense attorney was quoted as saying that "[i]t's placing too much on a person who is already in an incredibly stressful situation.
"I wasn't crazy, but it was incredibly stressful," said Mr. Chappelle, 32.
Add to this the stress and strain of job insecurity and debt and you have an incredibly stressful environment for kids to develop within.
'Working on that case has got to be incredibly stressful for someone in his position.'
Anyone who has ever been through a virus attacking their system knows all too well that it can be incredibly stressful.
The actress added "It was incredibly stressful but I guess it was stress in a good way.
"Seventy percent of people who see something wrong don't do anything about it, because it's an incredibly stressful process," Mr. Clark said.
For normal nations, it would be incredibly stressful.