The supertankers, some the size of several football fields, seemed indecently exposed in waters so open.
On every deserted street gutted houses sagged open, their contents indecently exposed to view.
After being indecently exposed in public by the Deltas she becomes a tour guide at Universal Studios Hollywood.
They looked human there in their helpless misery, but somehow not quite so human as the two pink dogs lying on the tiles nearby-pink because long ago they had lost all their hair, and their raw, aged skin lay indecently exposed to the kisses of the flies and sun.
At the time of the hunt, four teenage girls, Maxine Buckley, Catherine Burke, Debbie Brown and Pamela Hind, claimed that Kiszko had indecently exposed himself to them the day before the murder.
He was grateful to the old man, but he felt raw-edged, indecently exposed.
Bombs laid open four decks that way an earthquake might tear away the wall of a four-story building, leaving the rooms indecently exposed.
The earth had been ravaged, laid open, and left indecently exposed.
The plain box seemed almost indecently exposed.