More than a dozen indelible characters are woven into Mr. Sayles's multigenerational, multicultural tapestry.
"If Drea gets typecast, it's because people hadn't known her before and then she created such an indelible character," he said.
Eastern Orthodox doctrine does not state that the priesthood confers an indelible character on the person's soul.
This teaching has been expressed by the images of, in the West, an indelible character or mark and of, in the East, a seal (CCC 698).
Each of the actors uses small gestures or even a simple prop to build an indelible character.
Ordination (twenty-third session) was defined to imprint an indelible character on the soul.
The indelible characters include a female bullfighter with a phobia about snakes, a manly Argentine journalist who cries easily, a comatose ballerina and the worshipful male nurse who tends her.
This show's greatness lies in its creation of at least a dozen indelible characters whom we come to know as intimately as our best friends.
But this is of little moment: they remain recorded in such indelible characters upon our minds, that neither change of circumstances nor length of time can efface them.
Add to the pantheon of August Wilson's indelible characters a drunk named Fielding.