Replacing DLA with a personal independence payment, and slicing 20% off the bill, will "provide an opportunity to .
The new benefit, the personal independence payment (PIP), would cost just as much she said.
The coalition proposes to replace the working-age disability living allowance (DLA) with a new personal independence payment, and cut spending by 20%.
Some 3.2 million will be caught up when disability living allowance becomes the personal independence payment.
Young and old disabled people will face a series of tests for the new 'personal independence payment'.
But here is the problem: the government wants to replace disability living allowance (DLA) with something called personal independence payments (PIP).
Today as we hurtle headlong into personalised budgets, personal independence payments and a diminishing market in social care, I can't help thinking he was right.
Remember, if the welfare reform bill goes through, DLA will be abolished and 3.2 million people will be transferred to the government's new personal independence payments.
The Guardian has been exploring what the proposed replacement of this benefit with personal independence payments could mean for disabled students and families with disabled children.
Mistakes made in the flawed employment and support allowance assessment you reported are at risk of being repeated for the personal independence payment (PIP).