In 1919, he returned to newly independent Latvia where he was appointed director of the government printing house.
After 1920, the family returned to independent Latvia, and he studied at a commercial school in Riga.
Also was issued a special package dedicated to the 40 years of independent Latvia.
However, these numbers are not reflective of an independent Latvia, as much of recent history has been subject to imperial invasion and occupation.
The idea of an independent Latvia became a reality at the beginning of the 20th century.
The first station to close was Skrunda, in newly independent Latvia.
Article 6 shall be applied when the governmental institutions of independent Latvia have been restored, which grant free elections.
Under an independent Latvia, Jews formed political parties and participated as members of parliament.
After the latter's victory, Jelgava became an important city in independent Latvia.
This group adapted fascist ideology to the situation in independent Latvia after 1918.