Greece is slowly strangling independent Macedonia's economy with a dangerously misguided blockade.
The government's fall was attributed to its failure to gain international recognition for an independent Macedonia.
An independent Macedonia might give their own Macedonians some unpleasant ideas.
In 1991, it became the capital city of an independent Macedonia.
In private, officials say they want to minimize the possibility that nationalists will use an independent Macedonia as a banner and a launching pad.
In 1991 it became the capital centre of independent Macedonia.
He also pointed to the existence of the tendency to seek an independent Macedonia with Salonica as its capital.
In 2000, Pelister became the first team in independent Macedonia to reach the third phase of a European competition.
The first round of elections were declared the most peaceful elections in the history of independent Macedonia without any serious incidents.
Later the song was officially adopted to be the anthem of the independent Macedonia.