The three main constituents of advertising industry viz advertisers, advertising agencies and media came together to form this independent NGO.
It is heading towards becoming an independent NGO.
On Sept. 11, 2001, the institute registered as an independent NGO and dropped the name Baha'i from its formal name.
In the 1990s, several groups broke away from the central CSI organization and became independent NGOs.
Since 2012 the Sofia Pride is organized by a committee consisting of volunteers and independent NGOs.
Within the Pécs model the school social worker is employed by an NGO independent from the school.
A great many independent NGOs and political parties are still being denied the right to exist.
A network of reliable, politically independent NGOs is needed.
At the same time, Cuban independent NGOs are not allowed to work as the government exercises a draconian control over them.
They are truly independent NGOs.