This goes to the independent appraiser, hired by the bank, who puts a market value on your home.
Her mother is an independent appraiser of fine-art photography in Miami Beach.
The grading is usually done by three independent appraisers.
All property owners can receive what independent appraisers consider fair market value.
The value of the stake would be determined by an independent appraiser.
If you own a painting valued by an independent appraiser at $1 million, you could give a 10 percent interest to a museum.
Todd has had to retain a lawyer, accountant, actuary and an independent appraiser to be sure everything is proper.
Like others donating property, it relies on independent appraisers to establish a fair value for the gifts.
And all valuations of employer securities not traded on an established market must be made by an independent appraiser.
Six months later, in September 2002, Ames said it would lend him $90,900 based on a $101,000 valuation by an independent appraiser.