In those cases, an independent arbitrator will meet with the victim and determine the award payment.
Their claims will be reviewed by the independent arbitrator as well.
In arbitration, both sides agree to let an independent arbitrator make a decision.
He is now an independent international arbitrator in Washington.
Each partner held 49%, with two per cent in the hands of an independent arbitrator.
We stand by the decision of the independent arbitrators, be they for or against the health plan.
An independent international arbitrator ruled recently that the company had probably broken the law in the case, although no charges have been filed.
Individuals should be able to challenge them before an independent arbitrator or in court.
Under the settlement, women employees would take their claims to an independent arbitrator outside the securities industry, people involved with the negotiations said.
While not including any set amount of money, the settlement would allow women employees to take their claims to an independent arbitrator.