Two independent infantry brigades, the 30th and 135th, were under the military sector's command along with some coast guard units.
From nine divisions, the total was planned in 2001 to fall to four, plus six independent brigades.
In October 1961, new regional military commands were opened and leaving only two independent infantry brigades.
There were also independent armored brigades with about 2,000 men and 120 tanks each.
By March 2012 31 new independent brigades have been established throughout the army.
When that division was disbanded it served on as an independent brigade.
The Army at present has deployed 12 Divisions, 7 task forces and several independent brigades.
He led an independent brigade during part of the 1809 campaign, and was mortally wounded while leading his troops in battle.
It was one of only two independent Canadian armoured brigades in combat.
Together, they comprised seven divisions and one independent brigade, totalling over 90,000 troops.