The station, like many of the nation's small, independent commercial broadcasters, has become an economically endangered species, thanks in part to the 1996 Telecommunications Act.
Furthermore, there are a few independent and local broadcasters.
The station is the most important and independent broadcaster of news in Arabic.
This will allow the big to get bigger and threaten the existence of local and independent broadcasters.
A sole cable operator would bargain separately with the network-affiliated and independent broadcasters in each region.
The television networks and many independent broadcasters have long refused to allow this practice, and lobbyists on all sides say it is rare.
He is attempting to bully an independent broadcaster in a way and style, which I do not think a government minister has ever done before.
They soon became the last independent broadcasters in any major radio market in the US.
These migrating minstrels were a mainstay of programming for the rural independent broadcaster.