Kroger acquired 20 former Farmer Jack's stores while independent grocers collectively bought 21.
The company was ranked 13th in a list of the top 50 independent grocers on 27 February 2010 in The Grocer magazine.
As the market becomes more crowded, small independent grocers will have an even tougher time holding on.
A few stores were sold to independent grocers.
The number of independent grocers also fell by about 700 stores industrywide, to about 12,000.
A&P's success strengthened the opposition of small independent grocers and their political allies.
Associations of independent grocers were established to fight the chains' growing strength and influence.
Each was an independent grocer, owning one store each.
But Pathmark supporters said the new supermarket would force the independent grocers to do a better job.
The shopping centre contains an independent grocer as well as a Crazy Clark's which provide the majority of the appeal for customers.