In some organisms, endosymbionts have an independent genetic history from the host.
The Archaea have an independent evolutionary history and show many differences in their biochemistry from other forms of life.
Also the north had built up an independent history, and had experienced a golden age.
It became a borough after 2,000 years of independent history.
The independent history of the plant began in 1953 when a new building was constructed specifically for the production of brandy.
During its independent political history, Brazil has had seven constitutions.
The two developed as neighboring Spanish speaking communities, with relatively independent histories.
India has followed central planning for most of its independent history, which have included extensive public ownership, regulation, red tape, and trade barriers.
The reports, however, offer an independent history of an agency that has been mired in controversy.
In the latter half of its independent history, Finland has maintained a mixed economy.