At one point in August, independent marketers posted prices nearly 4 cents a gallon higher, on average, than the major brands.
By contrast, the independent marketers replenish storage tanks mostly with surplus gasoline bought in the wholesale market from major and independent refiners.
In normal times, independent marketers pay about 10 cents a gallon less for unbranded wholesale gasoline than branded dealers are charged.
The state had planned either to hire independent marketers or train local welfare caseworkers, though the shape and timing of their plans has not been finalized.
In other states, independent refiners and independent marketers tend to play a larger role in the market.
I.B.M., for instance, will now make joint sales calls with some of these independent marketers.
Her father is an independent marketer of computers.
This is not as much of a problem in the Midwest, where there are more independent marketers.
Getty is an independent marketer of gasoline and other petroleum products with outlets in a 13-state area from Maine through Virginia.
The only explanation for the difference in cost is that northern New Jersey has a competitive gas market, with numerous independent marketers, and Long Island does not.