In the later half of Chalmers career, he was best known for his roles with the independent, economic and political, weekly newsletter Inside Canberra.
The Cook Political Report, an independent nonpartisan newsletter, rated the race as a toss-up.
Charles Cook, who publishes an independent political newsletter, said that given the extraordinary closeness of the 2000 elections, "this whole suburban thing is key."
UKChartsPlus is an independent weekly newsletter about the UK music charts.
Standard & Poor's also publishes an independent newsletter, Your Financial Future, which goes to 500,000 people.
At Gordon Brown's confidential request, he put out a supposedly independent newsletter praising the chancellor's minimum wage proposal.
The list was made public by the independent newsletter Hits Daily Double, which is not affiliated with Clear Channel.
"That's the problem," said Stuart Rothenberg, the editor of an independent political newsletter in Washington.
The impact of the industry's varied philanthropy is profound, amounting to more than $300 million, according to Corporate Giving Watch, an independent nonprofit newsletter.
For more than a decade, they have seized on loopholes to put out, legally, an independent cultural newsletter.