He added that an independent pathologist and neuropathologist representing the Scoons was present to monitor the autopsy yesterday afternoon.
The family has also hired an independent forensic pathologist whose report is to be released on Monday.
All the available histology was analysed by an independent pathologist (NAS).
Xenografts from the four experimental groups in Figure 4 were analysed blind by an independent pathologist.
An independent forensic pathologist who examined the body said he had been shot in the back at close range.
"It is essential that there should be an independent pathologist at the post-mortem," Mrs. Suzman said.
But Mr. Zaanin's family rejected the Israeli account and demanded that an independent pathologist be allowed to perform an autopsy.
To reduce the possibility of misdiagnosis for an individual patient, a second review by an independent qualified pathologist should be considered.
Also present were an independent pathologist and a third who had been hired by Mr. Litvinenko's family.
Al Zahrani's father has called for a second post mortem by neutral, independent pathologists.