They generally play a "happy hour" of lounge music starting at 5:00 pm and then an hour of independent rock on various weekdays.
To follow the club's bookings is to sketch the arc of independent rock in the last quarter century.
He became a force within independent rock because he could tie arcane images to the kind of easy, unbreakable melodies that people pay millions for.
Bernard Lenoir (born 13 September 1946) is a radio personality, specializing in independent rock.
But Stipe had a wide, slightly burred, crimson sound-big, accurate, and much better than independent rock required.
The album, their first with top independent rock label Eleven Seven Music, is set for release in early 2012.
Big Light is an independent rock and roll band from San Francisco, California.
They play "the old blues, with an independent rock and roll spirit."
Bringing and signing the best independent metal/hard rock acts in this region.
Ecstatic music sounds fresh and unvarnished, he said, to listeners alienated by the mainstream success of independent rock.