So, years ago, my family bought a ton of copies of this CD in bulk from an independent seller.
At Charles Schwab & Company, the largest independent seller of mutual funds to individuals, investors have also slowed their purchases.
The American Booksellers Association, a trade group for independent sellers, told the New York Times that more than 200 bookstores across the country could sign up.
Surely, for instance, the invention of bookstore chains means the end of independent sellers.
Prior to yesterday, the paper explains, this rider was required because independent sellers could not be forced to charge the price in question.
Mr. Alvich expects the number of sellers to grow quickly under a plan by the agency to offer a higher commission to independent token sellers.
Daedalus Books is an independent seller of books, music, and video founded in 1980.
Now to hie myself to the local independent seller of books. . . .
Powell's Books, self-titled 'largest independent seller of new and used books in the world'
The marketplace brings together independent sellers and creates a forum for them to display and sell their wares to buyers.