Amaze grew to become one of the world's largest independent video game developers, with nearly 300 employees in four studios.
It was released for free download on January 4, 2010, and was designed by independent video game developer Eric Ruth.
Their song "All Twisted" was the first independent video to air on MTV.
About 400 have provided independent videos in their defense.
It was produced by Hungarian independent video and commercial maker group, Studio X.
Starting in 2006, Lunsford began acting, directing and producing his own independent videos on YouTube.
Exotic stuff, too esoteric for network or local broadcast, stuff that-" "The independent video companies, you're talking about.
An independent video was made for the album's only single, Infinite.
Dailymotion is the world's largest independent video sharing website.
He complained that the cameraman, making an independent video with an accreditation, was skiing alongside of him outside the course, breaking his concentration.