Another study reported head circumference to be independently associated with a reduced risk of clinical Alzheimer's disease.
Longer periods of unusually low phenylalanine concentrations were also independently associated with worse outcome.
Or, as the study concluded, "keeping a gun in the home was strongly and independently associated with an increased risk of homicide."
Study also found that lower maternal education was independently and significantly associated with higher levels of most flame retardant congeners in the children.
The researchers found that solar elastosis, or sun damage to the skin, was independently associated with a surprising increased survival from melanoma.
Worsening Killip class has been found to be independently associated with increasing mortality in several studies.
Alho et al reported that both gestational age and birth weight were independently associated with wheezy bronchitis.
Some of the aspects of family structure and function reported to be independently associated with earlier menarche:
No medications except digoxin were independently associated with atrial fibrillation.
Both histologic classification and proliferative activity evaluation have been shown to be independently associated with survival.