Consequently, it has been rediscovered independently several times over the last three centuries.
It was then independently rediscovered in 2003 and named by Robert Austin.
Hadley's theory, published in 1735, remained unknown, but it was rediscovered independently several times.
The problem has been repeatedly rediscovered and solved independently in different context by a number of people (see the references).
Thomas Edison independently rediscovered the principle on February 13, 1880.
She enjoyed team math competitions, and at age 14 independently rediscovered Euclid's formula for even perfect numbers.
This phenomenon was forgotten and later rediscovered independently.
In the 17th century, it was independently rediscovered by Italian astronomer Hodierna.
And independently rediscovered by John Herschel on 27 October 1829.
OML Theory has been independently rediscovered by other mathematical physicists more than 30 years later.