Capable of carrying up to 10 independently targeted nuclear warheads, the Peacekeeper was designed to strengthen the ground-based strategic policy of the United States.
Although it will seem to be moving haphazardly, it will be as accurate as an independently targeted nuclear missile.
Each missile in the launch carrier vehicle can be independently targeted in a matter of seconds.
"All of the Barracuda's missiles are independently targeted multiple warheads."
Each with twelve independently targeted nuclear warheads.
The three warheads were spread about a common target and were not independently targeted (such as a MIRV missile is).
The 46 SS-24 missiles, each with 10 independently targeted warheads, he said, were assembled in Ukraine and could be used by Ukraine.
Enemy radars can be targeted by the missile independently or with targeting data from the launch aircraft's electronic warfare systems, such as the radar warning receiver.
Iranian officials have said that the missile can avoid radar detection and has multiple independently targeted reentry vehicles (MIRV).
The downside, however, is that every individual transgene an investigator wishes to express must be independently targeted to the chosen genomic locus.