He gave to the word an indescribable sound of something hard and heavy, as if he were saying "boots".
Full of bright lights, indescribable sounds, and inhaled carcinogenic vapors.
Kisses make an "indescribable sound" and the rubber makes the footsteps mostly silent.
He made an indescribable sound of derision.
An indescribable sound emitted from the speaker.
Each time he imagined himself at home, asleep in his own bed, when he was roused by a strange, indescribable sound outside the window.
A man made an indescribable sound of satisfaction.
The animal made an indescribable sound, reared perpendicular and sent the unbalanced rider flying over its rump.
He heard indescribable sounds behind him.
Then there was an indescribable sound and one of the two creatures rushed frantically away.