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Over the scene a colossal reddish figure of indeterminate shape and number of limbs stands triumphant.
The dream is enclosed in the indeterminate oval shape that is the human field of vision.
His unfashionably short hair was concealed beneath an ancient knitted cap of indeterminate shape and origin.
In a mind suddenly floodlit with terror, he watched as that indeterminate shape became Jerry Jeter.
The galley took form, a looming, indeterminate shape slightly darker than the surrounding darkness.
It was all adding up to an irritating jigsaw of indeterminate shapes.
Their boat, a big indeterminate shape in the darkness, seemed to have plenty of power.
Well, with lavender water or maybe 4711, and gray hair in a bun and a shiny black straw hat of indeterminate shape.
The town was in darkness, the trees obscure, indeterminate shapes, clumps of black.
I ended up in something dreadful - a gray silk pants suit of indeterminate shape, a strange baggy shirt.