If the index exceeds a threshold the articles are called newsgroup spam.
Similarly, if the index exceeds unity, the country is said to have a revealed comparative advantage in the product.
February was the seventh consecutive month that the index exceeded 50 percent.
In order to meet classification in any of the three categories, the smoke developed index cannot exceed 450.
When the index exceeds 50 percent, it generally indicates the manufacturing economy is expanding.
March was the 20th consecutive month that the index, which is seasonally adjusted, exceeded 50 percent.
The index exceeded 20 before the 1990-91 recession and before the second of two successive downturns in the early 1980's.
The December decline followed six consecutive months in which the index exceeded 50 percent.
Despite the decline, January was the 28th consecutive month in which the seasonally adjusted index exceeded 50 percent.
The index last exceeded 30,000 points on March 29 with a close of 31,026.16.