In 2000-2001 an indexing service for all OpenNap servers was created, called Napigator.
The journal is indexed in PubMed and other indexing services.
The journal is not indexed in Web of Science, an indexing service for scientific journals.
Furthermore, it contains records from national journals - especially from developing countries that are not always represented in commercial indexing services.
Once the indexing service has been turned on and has built its index it can be searched in three ways.
MS Windows Vista enables the indexing service by default.
An indexing service is a service that assigns descriptors and other kinds of access points to documents.
A Usenet indexing service with 1500 day retention and boolean wildmat as search pattern language is integrated into the program.
Those journals and most other academic journals are indexed by major indexing services in China.
It is a bibliographic indexing service that provides information for manufacturing and related areas.