Likewise, screen right indicated progress or moving past their problems.
The words indicate progress but the meaning is regression.
To work with or to see zinc in your dreams, indicates substantial and energetic progress.
The proliferation of American brands here does not indicate as much progress as some argue, however.
To many men of the time, material progress indicated human progress, and this belief itself functioned as a religion.
If the Jets qualify for the playoffs, that will indicate progress.
For the first few weeks, he kept in regular contact with us and indicated good progress.
Cramps in the legs also indicate progress, for they result from similar pressure against nerves adjacent to the lower part of the birth- canal.
Ford's earnings report indicated progress, but also left much to fix at a company that lost $6.4 billion in 2001 and 2002.
"That indicates progress on an issue that has been contentious."