Today, only few indications that evoke the historic presence of Slovenes in Somogy County, still exist.
Very few specific indications for the use of FFP exist.
Treaty provisions would override the specific rules of the Common Agricultural Policy, unless a contrary indication existed.
Still, some indications of the scope of that migration exist.
Before the summer 2006 offensive began, indications existed that soldiers in Afghanistan had lost influence and power to other groups, including potentially the Taliban.
No indications of the northern terminus exist on I-93 in either direction.
No indications of the Turnpike exist on any intersecting highways north of the merge, including Interstate 89.
Experimental indications exist that oxirene (as intermediate or transition state) occurs in the Wolff rearrangement.
In the turbulent years after the French Revolution in 1789, some indications exist that people were at times executed by means of cannon.
No indication of life existed, but he sniffed deeply of the air for spoor.