We cannot understand why they have not filed indictments in those cases.
Despite the investigation, the government did not file indictments, as witnesses refused to cooperate.
In a statement yesterday, the company said it was "pleased" with the indictments and charges filed against its former executives.
In some corporate cases, the government has chosen to file indictments under seal while continuing their investigations.
And there is the matter of an indictment filed against him in May on multiple counts of state income tax fraud.
Let us be clear, however, that the indictment filed in this case involves charges against four individuals for killing one unarmed person and jeopardizing others.
Federal officials added a count of operating a continuing criminal enterprise in a revised indictment filed in May 2006.
Mr. Iglesias said he was surprised when she asked him about the inquiry and whether there had been sealed indictments filed in the case.
He did not, however, distribute those procedures to ferry employees, train them on their use or enforce the rule, according to an indictment filed in July.
Efforts to reach other couples listed in the indictment filed against Mr. Singer were also unsuccessful.