Yesterday's indictments followed testimony last month from a former head of the Lucchese crime family.
The indictments follow a lengthy crackdown on other drug gangs in that area.
The indictments followed a 21-month investigation by an organized crime and drug enforcement task force.
The indictment followed a two-year operation involving local and federal law enforcement officials in seven Southwestern states.
But, while six grand juries addressed the attorney's killing, no indictments followed.
The indictment followed years of rumors that the Mayor was a cocaine user.
The first indictment followed, and he had to put his political plans on hold.
Of course, if an indictment followed, he would rush in for the defense after the fact.
A federal indictment followed and he was arrested on charges of embezzlement.
Mr. Jon was arrested the next day, and an indictment soon followed.