The indictment refers to unnamed foreign banks and other entities, which suggests that the government may file other criminal charges at some later date.
The indictment also refers to the thousands of Bosnian Muslims and Croats who were held under "inhuman conditions" in more than 50 detention centers where many died.
The indictment did not refer to any overt act and the defendant, Reshat Shabani, asked the trial judge to dismiss the indictment for that reason.
The indictment refers to two other foreign government officials, but does not identify them.
The indictment does refer to "a co-conspirator not charged as a defendant."
The current indictment refers only to Kosovo; it contains no genocide charge.
The indictment refers to her obliquely as the "billing partner" on a legal matter that is at the heart of the new case against Mr. Hubbell.
Verbosity: The indictment refers to "covert action activities"; why "activities"?
Indeed, the indictment refers to the companies that provided the money as "unsuspecting lobbying clients."
The indictment refers only to about $100,000.