She looked at him with those indifferent eyes of hers.
Other breeders went into the purchase with eyes open but indifferent.
Vance looked at the man with steady, indifferent eyes.
Creel himself said that the images were "something that caught even the most indifferent eye."
Outwardly, dark green arms keep them inviolate from curious or indifferent eyes.
She glanced down the hall at the guarded doorway with a majestically indifferent eye.
Now Gabbro is staring up at the sun, eyes absolutely human in looks but indifferent to the glare.
His indifferent eye fell on the note, addressed in that familiar hand, and he drew a sheet of paper towards him.
She saw the servant working at dinner with an indifferent eye.
His eyes, flat, dull, indifferent, glanced from one to the other.