Released in 1968, the album eventually achieved critical acclaim, but it originally received an indifferent response from the public.
The group also criticized him for an "insensitive and indifferent" response to initial reports that state troopers illegally singled out minority drivers for traffic stops.
But in the United States the letter elicited what Mr. Alvarez described as a surprisingly indifferent response.
Whatever good instincts are his seem to have been atrophied either by indifferent teaching or an indifferent response to adequate teaching.
It was a fleeting response, too casual and too indifferent, not at all what he needed to satisfy the urges that had been with him too long.
Initially, the novel met a largely indifferent response in Britain and the United States.
Her indifferent response had clearly offended him.
The indifferent response from the West India Company to previous requests for protection against "the deplorable and tragic massacres" by the natives had gone unheeded.
With Davis as leader, they assembled a nine-piece group that played a few club dates between 1948 and 1950, to a largely indifferent response among nonmusicians.
The two-hour work rarely draws an indifferent response.