Australia will become a model for other global communities ... I see Australians coming together from all walks of life, especially indigenous and non-indigenous Australia, for a better tomorrow.
Palms volunteers is places in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, including communities in Tanzania, East Timor, Papua New Guinea and indigenous Australia.
At his swearing in ceremony as Chief Justice, French specifically referred to the long history of indigenous Australia:
Williams also worked as an actor, appearing in films and on TV, including Blackfire (1972, the first known film by an indigenous Australia) and Matlock.
It is the material from which the shamans and elders of indigenous Australia supposedly derive their magical powers.
"The bushfire," he says, "was part of indigenous Australia that would remain forever alien and unassimilable."
Community Aid Abroad has always been a supporter of efforts in indigenous Australia to reduce poverty and support projects there.
Fighting at Coniston in the Northern Territory in 1928 saw the last major battle on the 'frontier' of indigenous and non-indigenous Australia.
In the early 21st century, much of indigenous Australia continued to suffer lower standards of health and education than non-indigenous Australia.
For many indigenous Australians there remains much to be done, but I believe the unique contribution of indigenous Australia to the nation is better understood now than ever before.