It also contains 46 indigenous reserves and 6 communities.
Brazil has also set aside about 20 percent of the forest as parks, protected areas and indigenous reserves.
The municipality of Cumaribo has some 38 indigenous reserves.
Before this act, there had been many "indigenous reserves" in the Northern Territory.
Close to the town is Quitirrisí, an indigenous reserve in the Central Valley, very well known for their handcraft abilities.
It is also criticized the government for devoting insufficient resources to health care, other basic services, and protection of indigenous reserves from outsiders.
Roraima is one of the states in Brazil with the largest area designated as indigenous reserves, covering approximately 70% of the total territory.
This uninspiring performance is despite the fact that West Germany supplies about one-third of gas demand from indigenous reserves.
In 1990, the Waodani won the rights to an indigenous reserve covering some 6,125.60 square kilometers.
The Department of Cesar is formed by 25 municipalities, some 171 corregimientos, 990 veredas and 10 indigenous reserves.