Aiatamurto describes a number of common themes, such as nationalism, concern for the environment, warrior themes and indigenous values.
The primary mission of First Peoples Worldwide is to use indigenous values to help create a sustainable future for the whole planet.
A shift from an emphasis on "indigenous" to "Artistic" value.
Na children are required to learn Mandarin Chinese, Chinese and global history, and Han values, as opposed to their native language, local history, and indigenous values.
Despite the core attention to media/tion, Holden's overriding concern has been the interaction between indigenous and exogenous values and practices - what is generally referred to as "globalization".
Topics included native self-government, indigenous values in a colonial education system, Indian/Métis language programs with French immersion, and death/reburial.
With a language skill par excellence, he received his PhD from the University of Kerala (1990) and is a scholar of national repute deeply concerned with indigenous values and environmental issues.
Later, in an attempt to re-assert indigenous values and ideas, village theatre was encouraged across the subcontinent, developing in a large number of regional languages from the 15th to the 19th centuries.
United States support of population policies and programs is conditional on voluntarism and respect for indigenous cultural values.
Bango, with his folk tales, his charm and his deliberately hazy notions of land ownership, represents the indigenous values of Trinidad.