They could continue to pay high, state-set hospital fees, as under current law, that would cover the cost of indigent care and medical training.
It's owned by the city and provides, among many other things, indigent care for countless patients.
It made more than 90 recommendations last October, including the payroll tax to pay for indigent care.
The price tag for indigent care is about $40 million annually.
Under the new system, the state's unemployment insurance fund will help pay for indigent care for three years.
In the past, many doctors could absorb the added costs of indigent care.
What happens to the mission to provide indigent care?
The study did not compare the amount of indigent care today to what has been provided in the past.
The center also provides nearly 50 percent of all indigent medical care delivered in Westchester.
Now, he said, his only option was to go to a county hospital for indigent care.