The local bar said it would maintain the building for "legal services to indigent residents of Charleston County and coastal South Carolina," the records said.
One of Saint Benedict's foremost edicts concerned caring for the ill indigent residents around the monasteries.
The organization assists indigent residents in civil cases.
The budget also includes increased spending for towns, preschools, public schools, colleges, nursing homes and charity care for indigent residents unable to pay hospital bills.
A large crowd of several hundred indigent residents gathered to denounce mayor Porrata Doria for not giving the population adequate warning or taking appropriate measures.
Under federal law, money for legal aid is distributed to the states based on the number of indigent residents.
Almost half of the 3,566 beds lost were in this past year, 2003, and virtually all of the homes closed since 1999 served indigent residents.
The "Black Poor" was the name given in the late 18th century to indigent residents of London who were of Black ancestry.
That's not a problem for most of the shelter's indigent residents, who can access free legal aid locally from West Texas Legal Services.
Instead, indigent residents would get nine months of relief and be offered a series of job training programs.