(c) is managed and administered on a voluntary basis by persons who have no direct or indirect financial interest in its activities.
Do the trustees (in connection with this settlement) have any interest, either direct or indirect, in the shares of an unquoted company?
Direct ownership interests in the assets and income of a financial institution, or indirect interests through for example derivatives come under this category.
But there are many other items in the show that have a timeless and at most an indirect political interest.
In the case of married persons living together, a spouse's interest is an indirect interest for this purpose.
Members of Mr. Boies' family acquired an indirect, partial interest in the lawn care company.
Some industries with an indirect interest in the loans also weighed in.
Following this sale Ferrovial now has an indirect interest in Heathrow of 33.65%.
Auditor independence is impaired if a member on the engagement team has a direct or material indirect financial interest in the client.
"Investors want a pure play, rather than an indirect interest in such volatile businesses."