The 2004 closure of the Abitibi-Consolidated paper mill led to the direct or indirect loss of 780 jobs, totalling 30 million dollars in lost wages.
This was not a claim for his own personal injuries nor direct financial loss, but indirect loss.
The current subprime loan debacle serves to indicate just how large indirect economic losses can be.
To what extent is T N T liable for indirect or consequential loss?
Guerrilla sabotage and indirect economic losses caused by the war are estimated by the United States Embassy here to have cost nearly $2 billion since 1979.
The indirect losses were estimated to be at one million two hundred thousand Pounds by the Commission.
The closure means the direct or indirect loss of more than a thousand jobs and hundreds of families being abandoned to insecurity and sudden poverty.
This assessment is limited to the costs of physical infrastructure, excluding indirect losses such as project delays or suspensions.
Secondly, it should cover not only losses directly related to eliminating the sources of disease but also indirect losses related to market crises.
Similarly, those farmers who deal with livestock transportation should benefit from insurance instruments which protect them for indirect losses.