By contrast, the year of death can be determined only through indirect sources.
Background information comes from many indirect sources - general chatter, radio, TV and so on.
One of the ways to ensure this goal is by monitoring greenhouse gas emissions from direct and indirect sources.
The date of his death, 18 October 1166, was known through indirect sources.
There are countless indirect sources for the tale as well.
This light wasn't the flicker that came through a rolling film; it was a steady glow from indirect sources.
The survey asks questions about direct attacks on journalists and the media as well as other indirect sources of pressure against the free press.
With the ending of income tax after 1815, indirect sources yet again rose above 70 per cent.
Instead, the lights were those of a first class repair installation, clear illumination from both direct and indirect sources.
Direct and indirect sources of friendly parties' leverage on foreign players and issues.