In 2003, Alliance UniChem bought a 40% indirect stake in the Egyptian wholesaler UCP via Hedef.
In 2003, the group entered the Asian market by acquiring an indirect stake of 11.3% in Bank Internasional Indonesia, one of the largest banks in Indonesia.
That would give NBC an indirect stake in Madison Square Garden as well.
Ferrovial as at 21 December 2012 owns a 33.65% indirect stake in Heathrow Airport Holdings Ltd (formerly BAA Ltd)
The Hinduja Group also bought out IVECO's indirect stake in Ashok Leyland in 2007.
It also has an indirect stake in the Northern Border Pipeline Company, an interstate pipeline system.
Besides shareholders, other Wall Street investors have an indirect stake in First Alliance's loan operations.
Under the proposed deal, an Olympia & York subsidiary would get to sell the 11.9 percent indirect stake it amassed in Hyperion Capital Management.
He also said that private investors would get a chance to take an indirect stake in the new company when the French Government privatized C.G.E.
Some managers with large indirect stakes in real estate-oriented stocks argue that concerns about a housing bubble are misplaced.