A similarly ambiguous and politically indirect style characterises the seventeen short plays that make up Ravenhill for Breakfast.
None of this, it should be made clear, is evidence of the free indirect style at work.
This is not only because, thanks to Amis's faultless mastery of free indirect style, we are in Dixon's head.
It's written in free indirect style, so you travel closely to his thoughts.
He almost never writes in the first person or even in the free indirect style of the third person.
It's not the most subtle of devices but it does allow a break from the free indirect style.
In both cases, it's clear the author is Franzen and that the whole book is written in his take on the free indirect style.
Another case is the International fronton, another invented variety that takes back the indirect style to its basics: one wall where the ball must bounce.
NBC argued this indirect style of regulation was illegal and appealed to the courts.
International fronton takes back its courtfield to the most basic version of the indirect style: One wall where the ball must bounce.