Morrison walked through the door beyond her desk and found himself in an indirectly lit hallway.
It didn't make much difference in the indirectly lit room; the pastel colors just washed out and came back.
It was lit indirectly from below by narrow deep tanks of slimy glow-worms big as eels, set against the walls.
He was surprised to find the interior fairly well if indirectly lit by a stronger glow from inside the walls, if that's what they were.
The cauldron lighting was also the first in recent memory to be lit indirectly, that is, the flame did not directly touch or travel to (such as the arrow lighting at the 1992 Summer Olympics) the cauldron itself.
An indirectly lit window indoors is fine in winter - bright light can scorch the shiny leaves.
The ceiling was indirectly lit and the lighting was used in conjunction with the original orchestral scores in the early silent film era to add drama for the spectator.
To do this, the filmmakers equipped it with engine panels, wheels, and undercarriage that were indirectly lit so that they appeared to glow blue.