Georgina had said that merely to cover up for any indiscreet remark made by her father.
"Origins," she murmured, finishing the Guardian's indiscreet remark.
Of indiscreet remarks and unstable behavior, disturbing enough to warrant having you suspended and placed under precautionary surveillance.
Furthermore it is an insult to your sainted grandmother, and she would be very aggrieved indeed to learn about your indiscreet remarks.
Having offended one of the emperors by indiscreet remarks published in a chronography, he was thrown into prison and only released after an abject apology.
I am even astonished that you should have made use of so indiscreet a remark.
I would thank you to keep your indiscreet remarks to yourself, Jim Pooley,' said he. '
The boys shushed him, glancing nervously about to see if anyone had overheard his indiscreet remark.
Smith attracted media attention by making the indiscreet remarks that triggered the Cash for Peerages scandal.
"Knowing you very well by reputation, if that's not an indiscreet remark."