The most serious problem encountered thus far is the Aetryx predilection for using tactical nuclear weapons in a recklessly indiscriminate manner.
Supported by foot police, they used truncheons on demonstrators in an apparently indiscriminate manner.
-brained person is a sort of human sponge who soaks up unrelated facts in an indiscriminate manner.
They imported thousands of troops fresh from the capture of Manila and battle of Bataan, and crushed the resistance in a fierce and indiscriminate manner.
Nicholas commuted most of the sentences, although in an indiscriminate manner inconsistent with each individual's guilt.
But Israel does not have the right to "trample on the rights of an entire population, in a patently arbitrary and indiscriminate manner."
(201) An important aspect of the General's character is his certainty and justification for fighting in such an indiscriminate manner.
Two main types of building are encountered on such farms; sunken buildings and those built at ground-level, often called 'halls' in a rather indiscriminate manner.
Does the Council not agree that it is manifestly unfair to link nationalism with racism and xenophobia in such an indiscriminate manner?
A regional development policy that distributes aid in an indiscriminate manner opens the door wide to corruption.