Southern Africa's most brutal bush war, a 16-year ordeal of indiscriminate murder and cruelty, has been declared formally over.
Twice they have done indiscriminate murder in hope that it would be charged to someone at Beaverwood.
Some of the emerging stories featured reports of atrocities, including kidnapping, rape and indiscriminate murder.
It is defined as the intentional and indiscriminate murder of a large number of people by government agents.
Those crimes included wanton, indiscriminate murder, torture and genocide.
Third, to make clear that the indiscriminate murders in Swaziland would have to end.
A more apt term would be "omnicide bombers," which captures their goal of indiscriminate murder.
Five indiscriminate murders within the last few weeks.
Car bomb attacks, indiscriminate murders, kidnappings and other methods of terrorism can in no way be justified for any cause, however legitimate it may seem.
But we can find £74Bn to build a weapons system designed to commit indiscriminate murder.