During the Edo period, fire was an indispensable element of daily life.
The statement said an end to outside support for insurgents is "an indispensable element to achieve stable and lasting peace in the region."
Of course, the other indispensable element in all this experimentation was some actual humans.
She is a painter, whose murals are an indispensable element of the film's spellbinding quality.
According to this, art criticism has three indispensable elements.
It was, and remains, an indispensable element in America's quest for a more stable regional and international order.
This is an important proposal and, once adopted, it will add an indispensable element to workers' rights.
These are an indispensable element in the infrastructure and without them the potential of the internal market cannot be fully realized.
The interest of the citizen-consumer seems to me to be the indispensable element to take into account.
When it comes to the industrial production of chemicals, often the most indispensable element is one that you can't see, smell, or even taste.